Christmas "celebration"

Posted by Unknown User on 11:05 AM in
I walked in to my office today in my new brown leather jacket pretty late.

They: You're not in dress code.
Me: What dress code?
They: Dress code for the Christmas party...check your mail.

Dear All,

Christmas festivities at "my company" include

- Work Area decoration competition. The office has bee divided into four areas.

- Operations : - Team leader is Ms X

- Mktg/OPS : - Team leader is Mr Y

- HR/Admin : - Team leader is Ms Z

- Rest : - Team leader is Ms ?

The team leaders will be buying the stuff needed for decoration and asking rest of the team to contribute towards the cost.

- Everyone has to wear either red, green or white on 24thDEC. If you have a client meeting, please change after the meeting. There will be a penalty of Rs.100 for anyone who is not wearing either of these three colours.

- We will be having a Christmas tea party b/w 5.30 -6.30 pm on 24th Dec. If anyone wants to prepare any food item for the party is most welcome to do so.

Hope everyone can make it.



Me: Oops!


Come on lets go get high!

Posted by Unknown User on 3:50 PM in ,
Recently, I’ve been listening to the soundtrack of the movie “Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke” day in and day out.

Up in smoke
That's where my money goes
In my lungs
And sometimes up my nose
When troubled times
Begin to bother me
I take a toke
And all my cares
Go up in smoke

It is a movie about two stoners and their adventures while being happily high. One rich hippie and a Mexican team to make a band and eventually win a “Rock Fight” by getting the whole audience high on high-quality marijuana. I must have seen the movie 10 times now. Those who haven’t seen it, I reckon you go and rent the DVD or something.

Don't believe me? Check out the promo.


As I lay awake

Posted by Unknown User on 2:27 AM in , ,
The books are gone. So are most of the cloths. Basic make up stuff remains, as if to remind me of a feminine existence in my life. Do I really want it? I suppose so. Something is not right when I am alone. I won’t call it loneliness but a sense of aimlessness. On a normal day, I’d be in deep sleep by now, though I’d only have a part of my bed. But here I lay awake, trying to type out a literary masterpiece.

What a joke

I try to read a P.G. Wodehouse book – not that it interests me. I just want to doze off.

Am I the only one feeling this way? I am pretty sure others are snoring peacefully; happily ignorant of the demons I am fighting this time of the night.

Why everything seem so distant right now when I remember the closeness distinctly. I vividly remember the time when everything seemed possible – everything was there right at the palm of my hand. I know I was not strong enough to grasp it. Am I stronger now?

I guess not

Everyday there’s a race to get ahead of the game…at least by a couple of hundred bucks. No matter how many rosy dreams the payday brings, every month end is the same story of “Please lend me a couple of hundreds”. I am getting sick of it myself. I wonder it affect people around me.

How can I expect you to stay with me when all I do is take, take and take. Maybe someday, I’ll give back everything – all things good and bad you have given me. Maybe then we will be in equal terms. Till then I guess I’ll have to be a wimp…like I’ve been for most of my past life.


Why I hate Facebook?

Posted by Unknown User on 3:10 AM in ,
Why I hate Facebook?

Thats why :'-(



Posted by Unknown User on 2:26 AM in , ,

As I lay awake at the dead of this mid August night, trying to write something for some extra dough, I wonder if I am good enough for all these. Thankfully, encouraging words and help are always near. Every piece I write, I send it for a check. The piece comes back with no less than 50 odd mistakes. Grammar – something I took for granted during my school days. Now, from the past few days, I have the urge to buy a book of Wren and Martin (that’s what we had in school) and start from page 1.

The utter pessimist in me says, ‘It’ll be just another start’ – half a page of scribbled line – as Pink Floyds put in. Though I know that the world at large would expect me to end this post in a high note...but seriously, I don’t see the grammar thingie going anywhere. As for the "high note," I shall sign off with one of may favourite Calvin and Hobbes strip.


Hollywood Science Trilogy (Part 1)

Posted by Unknown User on 1:12 PM in , ,
Hollywood movies supposedly set the standards for others around the world in terms of cinematic excellence. No wonder, cinema goers around the world gasp every time a hero in an action flick saves himself, his family, his dog and eventually his country. From giant monsters to natural disasters, to out- and -out science fiction – there is always a logical explanation to everything weird that happens on screen. From atomic explosions converting unassuming reptiles into Godzillas to turning dead soldiers into undead universal soldiers – science has always bridged the gap between common sense and the script writer’s absurdity.
However, let’s look beyond the ‘Hi-tech’ science of the supporting cast dressed in white overalls. We won’t even mention the movies that bummed in the box office. The movies in question are highly successful flicks not just in America but all over the world.

Alien Attacks
The movie Independence Day is one of the classic examples of the ‘Aliens invade Earth” plot. How a man hacks into the incomprehensively advanced alien computer system and uploads a virus to blow up the gigantic mother ship is still open for debate. I am not ever going to question the abilities of a human mind.
However, there are other things that need explanation. The mother ship supposedly has a mass, equal to one-quarter the mass of the Moon and is more than 10 times closer than the Moon. The ship’s gravity itself can trigger catastrophic tides and earthquakes just like a Tsunami. This doesn’t happen and poor aliens had to send out smaller crafts to hover before unleashing flaming death-rays. Now, talking about the smaller ships – to allow a ship to hover – there must be an upward force equal to the weight acting on it. One Mr. Newton said so in his third law. So, the ship must be exerting a downward force. If this involves air, the city beneath will be crushed by air pressure. Somehow, this never happens and our aliens had to waste precious energy on those death rays.

Disaster Strikes

Scientists have discovered an asteroid on a direct collision course with Earth. If the asteroid hits, it will destroy all life on the planet (yes, we are talking Bruce Willis starrer Armageddon). The solution is to fly a space shuttle out to the asteroid, drill into the rock and place a nuclear bomb in that hole. The explosion will blow the asteroid in half
, and each half will be deflected to either sides of the Earth. Now, we were told that the asteroid is “the size of Texas”, which means it has a diameter of about 700 miles. But, Bruce Willis and his team drilled for about 800 meters – which, I am afraid is just like scratching the surface – and still managed to split the asteroid into two halves. Amazing, isn’t it?

Super heroes have super powers. Therefore, they are conveniently out of scientific explanation. However, we have the savior of Gotham – Batman – who has no superpowers. So, here’s where the physics doesn’t add up.

In the 1989 Batman flick, Batman and Kim Basinger are dangling over a ledge, they lose their grip and fall before Batman’s retractable rope-hook catches on a gargoyle, saving them from crashing to death on the ground below.
Mr. Newton enters the scene gain with his First Law: internal organs aren’t fixed to the frame of the body, so they will continue to move “at a constant speed in a straight line until acted on by a net external force”. That is, until they split your ribcage. Batman’s rope isn’t very elastic like a bungee cord to negate their magnitude. But, they still live to save the day and make a few more sequels.

But this is Hollywood…anything can happen, and we adore it for that.

This Trilogy thing is nothing but just to keep you under the impression that I can come up with more of whatever I've written. As far as I know myself, chance of a Part 2 is slim. Part 3 of the trilogy you ask? Forget it.


Brand new Day

Posted by Unknown User on 2:06 PM in , ,

Here I am today, willing to make a whole new beginning once again. I wonder how many times does someone actually wipe his slate clean and start afresh. I have done it for the third time in the last two year. Hope this time it is worth it and not just another misadventure.

If things go well, I should be writing more often. Hope to see you guys soon.


What is keeping me busy these days?

Posted by Unknown User on 1:05 PM in ,

Doing more than what your job responsibilities are or how much I am paid for

Working hard to be someone I don’t really want to

Going out of your way to please others and being told that I am overdoing it

Doing a thankless job of a maid…free of cost

Making compromises on things that used to be my life a few years back

Trying to make sense of a grown up life – something that was so fascinating in childhood


In persuit of the "Carrot"

Posted by Unknown User on 5:28 PM in

It’s been a while isn’t it? Well, what can I say…the New Year brought with it too many changes…maybe too much too soon?

Honestly nothing has changed much. The first line was just an attempt to sound philosophical (read smart)! My new place is ANYTHING BUT PERFECT (mind the CAPS and bold and italics). I am still on a lookout for a decent house(I don’t know when it is going to be over). The job as an Internet ‘poser’ is pretty much OK except for the sad looking figure on my pay-slip. I still haven’t learned the art of managing my bank account – which is almost empty – like last year, and the year before that…

Sometime I wonder why that is so. I remember, five years ago, I used to earn about one-quarter of what I earn now. Strangely, things were better then. I had the time of my life smoking cheap cigarettes and tea at the roadside chaiwalla. The craze for uptown shopping plazas, glitzy bars and coffee shops – the need to see and be seen – was never there.

But here I am, trying my best to fit into scheme of things! But no matter how hard I try…ideal is still miles away. Maybe that’s the proverbial carrot and the donkey situation. I agree I am the donkey, I know who or what the carrot is. What I don’t get is that why the man with the stick is so sadistic?

Have I lost you here?

Well, that doesn’t matter. I am lost too!


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