As I lay awake at the dead of this mid August night, trying to write something for some extra dough, I wonder if I am good enough for all these. Thankfully, encouraging words and help are always near. Every piece I write, I send it for a check. The piece comes back with no less than 50 odd mistakes. Grammar – something I took for granted during my school days. Now, from the past few days, I have the urge to buy a book of Wren and Martin (that’s what we had in school) and start from page 1.
The utter pessimist in me says, ‘It’ll be just another start’ – half a page of scribbled line – as Pink Floyds put in. Though I know that the world at large would expect me to end this post in a high note...but seriously, I don’t see the grammar thingie going anywhere. As for the "high note," I shall sign off with one of may favourite Calvin and Hobbes strip.