In persuit of the "Carrot"

Posted by Unknown User on 5:28 PM in

It’s been a while isn’t it? Well, what can I say…the New Year brought with it too many changes…maybe too much too soon?

Honestly nothing has changed much. The first line was just an attempt to sound philosophical (read smart)! My new place is ANYTHING BUT PERFECT (mind the CAPS and bold and italics). I am still on a lookout for a decent house(I don’t know when it is going to be over). The job as an Internet ‘poser’ is pretty much OK except for the sad looking figure on my pay-slip. I still haven’t learned the art of managing my bank account – which is almost empty – like last year, and the year before that…

Sometime I wonder why that is so. I remember, five years ago, I used to earn about one-quarter of what I earn now. Strangely, things were better then. I had the time of my life smoking cheap cigarettes and tea at the roadside chaiwalla. The craze for uptown shopping plazas, glitzy bars and coffee shops – the need to see and be seen – was never there.

But here I am, trying my best to fit into scheme of things! But no matter how hard I try…ideal is still miles away. Maybe that’s the proverbial carrot and the donkey situation. I agree I am the donkey, I know who or what the carrot is. What I don’t get is that why the man with the stick is so sadistic?

Have I lost you here?

Well, that doesn’t matter. I am lost too!


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